Small Business – Big Heart

Small Business – Big Heart

A small business with a big heart is one that prioritizes its values and the well-being of its customers. This type of business is what Red Shed Designs strives to be, we always try to focus on offering top notch customer service, quick shipping and quality products. We make our jewelry from eco-friendly materials and donate products whenever we get a chance to community partners. These values are very important to both Jason and I, we love working together and building this small business into what it is, this isn’t just a business to us it is our heart and soul, our creativity & our art. We put blood, sweat and tears into this every single day and we are proud to share it with you.

If you are a small business owner and want to cultivate a big-hearted approach like we do, consider the following:

  • Define your values: Identify the principals and beliefs that are important to you and your business, such as quality, fairness, community or sustainability.
  • Put your values into action: Use your values as a guiding force in your decision-making and operations day-to-day.
  • Communicate your values: Share your values with your customers and let them know how your business is making a positive impact, I try to show that through our social media pages. This can help to build trust and loyalty to your brand and it can also inspire others to support your business.

By operating with a big heart, a small business can differentiate itself from competitors, foster positive relationships and make a meaningful contribution to it’s community!


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