Our Story

Hello Friend, I am so happy you are here checking out my blog!

Red Shed Team

I am Sarah, blogger and one part of the creative team that makes up Red Shed Designs, my husband Jason is the other half or maybe I should say… my better half.  He takes the crazy ideas I come up with in my head and helps me make them a reality with his handy woodworking skills; he is such a talented guy!   I also get design inspiration and help from my teenage twin daughters; they are becoming quite the fashionistas!

I was feeling a need for a creative outlet beyond my full time administrative job and creating jewelry fills that void and makes my heart happy.  I went to college for Interior Design and so I love doing creative things, working with my hands, dreaming up designs and seeing them come to life.  I also felt that blogging would be a fun and creative way to write about my crazy busy life and feature some of the cool jewelry and other DIY projects we are working on.

A little bit about me:  I love life and my family, I love traveling and experiencing new places in fact the quote “Fill your life with experiences not things. Have stories to tell not stuff to show” is one of my favorites.  Some of my favorite things are photography, antiques, anything sweet to eat, Hobby Lobby, home staging, painting, party planning, hiking with my family, musicals, thrifting, shoes, watching Fixer Upper & anything Disney. I am a natural giver, I love giving gifts and putting a lot of thought into what I give others.  I am an organized introvert who tends to obsessively plan and I make a lot of lists, I love my daily planner and sticky notes, my husband balances me out and encourages me to relax and let it go, one of the many reasons why I love him so much! 

The name Red Shed Designs originated many years ago when my Grandmother decided to turn her love of antiques and jewelry into a small business, she created the Red Shed and ran a small shop out of her home for many years. I fondly remember spending time at her shop and that love of unique jewelry, antiques and finding treasures has always been inside my heart, so when it came time to think of a name the choice was simple and I know she would be very proud! 

Send me a message, I would love to chat and thanks so much for stopping by!


Looking for Gift Ideas?

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