Happy Sweet 16 to our Twin Girls

Happy Sweet 16 to our Twin Girls

Happy Sweet 16 to our Twin Girls

Paris Elizabeth & Marissa Grace

My babies are 16………. Say What???  I know I say it all the time but how the heck did time fly so fast; I swear they were just cute little two year olds running around the house like yesterday!

I feel like I am going to explode with pride and I feel like I felt this way from the day they were born.  They had a rough start to their little lives 16 years ago and they fought hard in the NICU those first few weeks of life.  Since then they have always fought hard to be all around good people and I feel pride every day I get to watch them grow. Everything I have ever done in my life pales in comparison to being their Mom, it is such an honor!  I am fighting back tears just thinking about it!  Several years ago I wrote their birth story, you can read it here if you haven’t read it already or on my daughters blog here.

Paris Elizabeth – Happy Birthday sweet girl, you are such a bright light in my life.  You can do a crazy dance or break out into song and it makes everyone happy around you.  I love your sense of style and that you aren’t afraid to be YOU even though it looks different from everyone else……. I love that about you and don’t ever change!  Your off beat ideas, unique style and old soul are a few of your best features and I know I can count on you for wardrobe inspiration or advise anytime!  With each year that goes by I slowly start to see your confidence build, keep working on it and don’t forget what I tell you all the time “Breathe and remember you can do amazing things”!  I can’t wait to see you shine that light in this world and share your many talents.  Keep being YOU, I love you with all my heart!

Marissa Grace – Happy Birthday beautiful, you put a smile on my face every day.  It has been fun to watch you grow over the past year especially because I feel like you have grown so much, you have worked hard to overcome challenges you have grown a beautiful relationship and the hard work you have put in as a singer/actor has been tremendous to watch, I can’t wait to see what the future holds for you!  You are so smart and I appreciate your view (even if it is usually different from mine), don’t ever lose the confidence to state your opinion because it will take you far in life.  You also have a great sense of style and creativity that I look up to and love, don’t ever change that and continue to be the beautiful big hearted person that you are, you have so many talents to share with the world!  I love you with all my heart!

We are celebrating their 16th Birthday’s big this year, I can’t wait to share with you what adventures we will be going on, Unfortunately the Corona Virus is putting a delay on most of our plans which has been sad but I will write all about our plans and hopefully have some amazing pictures to share soon!  Until then……..Leave a comment and wish the girls a Happy Sweet 16!

1 thought on “Happy Sweet 16 to our Twin Girls”

  • Happy Sweet 16 Birthday to two of the most amazing girls in my life. Can’t believe my special girls are 16. The cute pics of them bring back so many wonderful memories. Would love to know what those two year old’s said to capture the beautiful smiles and such happy faces. Love watching them grow in to such beautiful loving young ladies. I am so blessed and have so much love for these two. So thank you Paris and Marissa for bring so much joy and love to my life.

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