It’s our 2 Year Anniversary!

It’s our 2 Year Anniversary!

Red Shed Designs is 2 Years Old!

It’s hard to believe that we started this little dream of ours 2 years ago, we opened our Etsy shop not knowing what would happen and how our jewelry designs would be received by everyone and praying it would be worth all the hard work we had put into it.  We have grown and learned so much over the past 2 years and are still learning every day.  We feel blessed that so many of you love and support our little business and have helped us grow and continue this dream of ours.  Thank you so much!

We have done so many fun things and added a lot of new designs over the past year here are a few of the highlights:

We were able to purchase a laser this year and now use it to etch our designs on the wood jewelry dishes 

We designed new packaging and added so many new products to our Etsy Shop

We launched our Mini Me Earring Collection

My photo was featured on the Mona B social media pages which is my favorite bag/purse designer it was a very surreal moment for me.

We worked with The Ronald McDonald House of Northeast Indiana to design special 10 year anniversary bracelets for their Rhinestone Rodeo Committee Members

Jason built and created a section of our website so that our wholesale customers can now shop our products online, he also created and built new displays 

Jason and I continue to work our full time jobs on top of keeping up with Red Shed Designs, it is a lot of work but we continue to LOVE every minute of it! It has been fun to work together on this.  As I reflect on the past 2 years I am feeling all the feels and most importantly blessed to see our dream unfolding.

I can’t say thank you enough to everyone who has contributed to making this a success and loving Red Shed Designs, it means the world to us!

To show our appreciation to everyone for all the love and support we are running an Anniversary Sale and you are the first to know since you are a subscriber so go check it out and get 20% off!


Sarah and Jason

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