Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day

We are running a Mother’s Day sale from now until May 7th if you buy two items you get 20% off. You can get a unique gift for Mom and your Mother-in-law or two gifts for Mom or the way I would do it…….a gift for Mom and a gift for yourself because whether you are a Mom or not you deserve a beautiful new piece of jewelry.

Mothers Day Sale

Mother’s Day is really a special day to me because I get to spend time with my twin girls, the past couple of years my husband has planned a fun activity for us to do together which is the perfect gift!

Spring BreakI wanted to write a little bit about my Mom, she is so special to me …….. my best friend. She and I are a lot alike we both have big giving hearts and love to give to others. We love to shop and laugh and when we spend time together, it is so much fun!

Mommy and Me

My family loves to include her in a lot of the things we do, we have taken her on a lot of our family vacations and other fun events, my kids really love when she is with us and we share so many fun memories with her.

Oswald Arizona Hike
I think back to my childhood and she was always there for everything I did, every softball game, every school function and she was always my biggest cheerleader. In fact as sweet and quiet as she can be, I do remember her yelling in the stands at every softball game (VERY LOUDLY) she might have even had words with my coach once or twice…….LOL!! We have a special bond, I love to talk to my Mom and when she found out I was going to be a Mom that bond grew stronger. As you know I have twins but you might not know that my Mom is a twin (she has a twin brother) so you can imagine the excitement she had when she found out the twins were coming. She has always been a tremendous help to me, I remember back when I was pregnant and on bedrest at home she would bring me lunch and dinner every day and once the girls were born and in the NICU she would drive me to the hospital daily to see them. From the moment the girls came home she was there to help in anyway, I always knew who I could call and still to this day she does a tremendous amount of things for our family. We are forever grateful for her and love having her around.

Mom with Twin Babies Grammy with twins at Beach
My Mom is not just special because of the way she helps out but she also is special because of the amount of love she shows us. She has taught me how to be a patient loving Mom and I am happy now that my girls are teenagers that we have formed a strong bond similar to the bond my Mom and I have. We are so close and my girls know they can rely on me for anything and I will be there cheering them on just like my Mom has done for me my whole life. I am also very lucky that she has a very strong bond with Paris and Marissa, they love each other so much and it is very cool to see. Growing up I had a strong bond with both of my Grandma’s (you can read about that here) and so it warms my heart that they have this as well.

Arizona Resort
These last couple of years my Mom has really shown me just how strong a bond between Mother and Daughter can be and how selfless she is. She was given the privilege of becoming a caretaker for my Nanny (her Mother) so that Nanny could stay in her own home as she was 95 years old and having some health issues. My Mom did so much for her and took such wonderful care of her, it was not an easy job but my Mom would never think twice about it and you could just see the love she had for Nanny. I am so grateful Nanny was happy and so well taken care of up until her final days. My Mom’s huge heart and love for her family really shined and some day when I am tasked with taking care of her I hope I can do as good as job as she did, it’s a lot to live up to!

4 genrations
This Mother’s Day will be a little bit sad because my Mom will be celebrating her first Mother’s Day without her Mother (My Nanny passed away earlier this year). We all know that Nanny is looking down on us and she is so happy that we have each other and that we are caring on that strong Mother/Daughter bond that she showed all of us.
I could go on forever writing about fun memories I have with my Mom but maybe I will save those for future blog posts.
Mom you are such a blessing to me and our whole family. We are all very lucky God choose you to be our Mom & Grammy. I love you so much and am so thankful for everything you do for us and most importantly the love you give. Happy Mother’s Day, I hope you have an amazing day and feel the love we all have for you!!

Siblings My Mom and I


1 thought on “Mother’s Day”

  • Wow I hope I can write threw all the tears running down my face right now. I am so blessed with an amazing, wonderful, loving, special family that I love with all my heart. Thank you so much for the wonderful kind words. I feel the exact same way. We have such a close bond and I love the way I am included in your lives. There is nothing more important to me then being with my family and sharing in all the wonderful fun times. It will be a difficult Mothers Day being the first one with out my special, sweet mom, but having the wonderful loving family I have it will be an amazing day and the love they show me will get me threw it. I love you so much Sarah, you have been so special from day one and seeing the wonderful mother you are to your girls is such a joy to watch. You are an amazing, loving, sweet daughter, mom and a beautiful women who is an inspiration to us all. Thank You So Much and I hope you have an amazing Mothers Day also because you deserve it so much with all your Love, and support you give everyday. I am one proud Mom and Grammy who loves you all so very much and appreciate this special tribute so much.

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