My Inspiration……

My Inspiration……

My Inspiration……

Red Shed Designs is inspired by the two most stylish women I had in my life growing up. I remember just looking at both of my grandma’s in such aww because they always looked so beautiful and classy. Both with their own distinct style, which was very different from each other but equally as mesmerizing. I call both my grandma’s Nanny don’t ask me why and yes it can get a little confusing at times. For clarity, Nanny B. is my Dad’s Mother and Nanny J. is my Mom’s Mother. They are both my inspiration.

nanny b confident
Nanny B.
nanny j with a beautiful broach
Nanny J.

Nanny J. is a very soft-spoken petite woman with gorgeous hair; she is so cute and kind to everyone. I have a special bond with her because she is the mother of twins (my Mom and Uncle Tim) and I am the mother of twins. She adores my twin girls and helped me tremendously throughout their childhood; I am not sure what I would have done without her and my Mom. They both used to tag team at my Mom’s house and watch the girls on the days I had to work, it was wonderful, my girls got so much love, and I feel so lucky that my girls also formed a special bond with Nanny J. and my Mom.

nanny j and the twins
Nanny J. with my twin girls

When the girls were little I worked part time and I would have Wednesdays off from work so the five of us, Nanny J., my Mom, myself and the twins would spend the day shopping and having lunch together every week. Those times hold a very special place in my heart as we shared so many laughs and memories. Nanny J. is currently 95 years old and still living on her own; although she has slowed down, she still looks so pretty every time I see her. She is the definition of Classy; her outfits are always thought out, makeup done and hair perfect. Not only is her appearance beautiful but her strong faith and kindness are something I always admire about her. She raised 5 children, her husband (Gramps) was a salesman so he would travel a lot during the week and she was home running the household and she never drove a car or even had her license. Can you imagine? She is amazing!

nanny j and gramps
Nanny J. with Gramps

Nanny B was the opposite of soft-spoken; she would always tell you exactly what was on her mind, although sometimes harsh, I did admire that about her. She stood tall with good posture and always had a presence about her; I loved her style always a little bit different with bright colors or wild patterns but always very put together and classy at the same time. Always had jewelry to match her outfit and since she was an antique dealer her jewelry collection was to die for, she had so many unique pieces and my love for jewelry and accessories was defiantly passed down from her.

nanny b with her beautiful jewelry
Nanny B.

She had a vast wardrobe but she never paid full price for anything. She loved to go to garage sales and thrift shops; she could sniff out a good bargain from a mile away and was not afraid to barter the price down. I treasure the fact that every weekend from the time I was little until my college days I would get up every Saturday morning and she would pick me up bright and early, we would map out what neighborhoods were having their garage sales and hit them all, we would fill her trunk with treasures. About lunchtime, we would drive over to Coney Island and meet my grandpa and anyone else from my family for hotdogs. Those were the best times, I bonded with my Nanny and we became very close. At age 83 she started struggling with some health issues, I remember visiting her in the hospital and doing her nails, I filed and painted them for her, she always had the most beautiful hands and nails and she still wanted to look nice despite not feeling well. She passed away in 2009 and I was there beside her in the hospital room as she took her last breath. I still miss her very deeply, I have been told over the years by several people that I remind them of her or I sometimes look like her and that is the best compliment, she was truly a gift and our relationship meant the world to me.

nanny b with sarah
Nanny B. and I

My love of fashion and jewelry started at a very young age and was influenced by these two amazing women. I am so blessed that they are my Nanny’s and I love them both with all my heart. Not only was their appearance so beautiful but they taught me what it means to be beautiful on the inside as well.

nanny j with style
Nanny J.
nanny b and pops
Nanny B. with Papa

When it came time to choose a name for our handmade jewelry Jason and I both agreed that we had to use the Red Shed in some way. The original Red Shed was started by my Nanny B. she became an antique dealer and ran a small business out of a garage/shed on her property and eventually moving it into a back room of her house. I remember wandering through the shop as a child and looking at all the beautiful treasures, she was always eager to teach me about different antiques and she had vast knowledge about many different things. When Nanny retired, she sold many of her treasures and closed up shop but the name Red Shed has always meant something to me and so using that name to represent beautiful jewelry that customers will treasure for years to come seemed like the right choice. I know she would be honored and proud.

Who has inspired you in your life? I would love to hear about them and thank you for reading about mine.


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