My Why…..

My Why…..

My Why….

My dream growing up as I decorated my dollhouse was to become an interior designer, I went to college and enjoyed studying furniture design, architecture and art and I graduated with an Interior Design degree. After I graduated, life happened pretty quickly before I knew it I had twin baby girls who were born prematurely (that is a post for another day) and it was a bit of a struggle so I had to put aside my dreams and focus on my family, which is most important to me. Fast-forward 15 years, I like what I do, I have learned a lot in the different Business/Management and Administrative rolls I have worked over the years and they have helped support my family but they don’t satisfy my creative brain and that void in my heart needed to be filled. Thank God, for my husband listening to my need for creativity and suggesting that we find a way to fill that void I was feeling, I now can come home after working my day job and make jewelry or come up with new designs and that has been a true blessing. I was also blessed a few years ago to have my Sister-in-law who is a Realtor ask me to stage houses for her clients whenever needed, that has been fun and a way for me to use my degree and creativity.  She is such a strong, smart business women who I look up to and love working with.   I love all the various jobs I get to do but Red Shed Designs is definitely a dream and I am so excited!

I come from a very artistic family and I have been creative/artistic all my life, I always find myself diving into my next DIY project. The Red Shed Designs was built with the desire to share my creativity, learn new techniques and create pieces I can be proud of. I have always been a very observant person so even as a small child I would quietly point out to my Mom when someone had a pretty necklace or ring on, she never noticed those details and was always shocked when I pointed those things out. I have always loved beautiful and unique accessories and so I wanted to create something that was fresh and different. I find beauty in natural elements, I think wood is so beautiful and the mixture of wood & concrete can be a little bit industrial or bohemian feeling which I love.  The pieces we make at Red Shed Designs are designed to be conversation starters, to make people notice even if they are not as observant as I am.

As you can see, it was not a dream I had as a small child to become a jewelry designer but it came together with years of experience designing and creating beautiful things and a love of unique jewelry pieces. If I sit back and think about all the times I would try on my Grandma’s jewelry or look through her huge vintage jewelry collection it makes perfect sense that this is the path I would be led to.

My family and I love to travel, we like to see new places and experience new things. My girls have gotten to see many places for only being 13 years old, but there are so many more wonderful places I would love for them to experience. My “why” starts with helping myself fill my creative void but ultimately it is all about my family because when I feel satisfied and happy about the work I am doing and the beautiful pieces I am creating it resonates through to them. I am so excited to launch Red Shed Designs and take on this new adventure and hopefully it will allow my family to see so many more beautiful places that this world has to offer!

Thank you for taking time to look at my jewelry and learning a little bit about my “why”.  I look forward to the journey this next chapter will hold and sharing it with all of you!


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