As We Enter The New Year

As We Enter The New Year

As we enter the new year, it’s a time to reflect on the past and look forward to the future. As we set our goals and make our resolutions, let us remember to be kind to ourselves and to others. Let us strive to be the best versions of ourselves and to make a positive impact in the world. Here’s to a happy and healthy new year!

I have a lot of personal and professional goals for the new year, one is growing my social media and online presence. It can be intimidating to use social media and discouraging at any age, but it can be especially daunting for older individuals who may not be as familiar with the platforms and their features. I try, but with the algorithms always changing and apps evolving it is sometimes exhausting to try and keep up. However, with a little effort and practice, you can become confident on social media at any age. Here are some tips that I am going to follow this year and maybe they will be helpful for you too!

  • Start small: Don’t feel like you have to jump into every social media platform right away. Instead choose one or two that you’re interested in and start there. This will help you to become familiar with the basics without feeling overwhelmed. I am going to focus on Pinterest and Instagram because both of those platforms seem to work well for me and my business.
  • Follow accounts that interest you. One way to get started on social media is to follow accounts of friends, family, accounts of organizations or businesses you care about, or accounts of celebrities or public figures you admire. You can learn about the platforms and see how others are using it.
  • Engage with others: social media is all about connecting and engaging with others. Don’t be afraid to like, comment, and share posts that resonate with you. You can also start your own conversations by posting updates, asking questions or sharing your thoughts and experiences.
  • Be yourself: Above all, remember that social media is a place for you to be yourself. Don’t try to be someone you’re not or compare yourself to others. Instead, embrace your unique perspective and share it with the world.

Hopefully these tips will help you become more confident on social media whatever age you might be. Just remember to be patient with yourself and have fun! As always I would greatly appreciate any comments or likes on my social media posts, everything you do to help support my journey means so much! Happy New Year and I hope you have a wonderful 2023!!

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