Red Shed Designs -1 Year Anniversary

Red Shed Designs -1 Year Anniversary

We made it!!! Red Shed Designs is celebrating our 1 Year Anniversary this weekend!!

1 Year Anniversary

One year ago today we opened our Etsy shop and started this journey, I can’t believe it has been a year already.  We have grown and learned so much over the past year, here are some highlights.

  • We have had an overwhelmingly positive response to our designs over the past year
  • Our first Sale was literally two minutes after we opened our shop
  • We had an amazing first month in business and kept so busy over the holidays
  • We have shipped to 5 different countries and 36 different states

  • We added some wholesale accounts and are now located in a few boutiques around the US
  • Addison Agen runner up on the voice promoted our jewelry on Instagram when she first returned back to Fort Wayne from the show

Addison Agen

  • We have had unwavering support from our family and friends, not only purchasing items but sharing, liking, modeling and showing our small shop love you are all the best!
  • We have grown our Instagram and Facebook followers significantly and have made some wonderful new friends on there who are also very supportive
  • We have had several Instagram Influencers either purchase, wear or promote our products on Instagram some of them have over 200,000 followers @vintageporch  @letteredcottage   @courtnee_lee_at_home  and several others so that has been huge for our small shop

Vintage Porch Courtnee Lee Home

  • We added cute little Acacia wood jewelry dishes to the shop

Acacia Wood Bowl

  • We were asked to donate jewelry pieces to several different Fundraisers which we were so happy to participate in


  • We were asked to collaborate with a local videographer and make a branding video which was so much fun


Those are just a few of the exciting things that have happened over the past year, I am sure there are so many more that I am forgetting.  Jason and I continue to work our full time jobs on top of keeping up with Red Shed Designs, it is a lot of work but we continue to LOVE every minute of it! It has been fun to work together on this.  Writing out this list of accomplishments just makes me so excited for year two!  I am feeling all the feels and most importantly blessed to see our dream unfolding.

I can’t say thank you enough to everyone who has contributed to making this a success and loving Red Shed Designs, it means the world to us!

To show our appreciation to everyone for all the love and support we are running an Anniversary Sale, so go check it out items are marked down anywhere from 10-20% off.


Sarah and Jason

1 thought on “Red Shed Designs -1 Year Anniversary”

  • Happy Anniversary on a job well done making such beautiful jewelry. So proud of you both. Congrats. What an amazing accomplishment..

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