Red Shed Update and Sale Alert

Red Shed Update and Sale Alert

I feel like I have not been on this blog in a hot minute, the summer just flew by and we were so busy that I felt like I didn’t have time to really tackle a blog post but now that the school year schedule is back in effect and I feel like there is more structure in my world I want to start back up and get on a more consistent schedule of posting.

Here is a little summer recap of the highlights from what has been happening around here:

Drama Camp: 

My daughter Marissa attended a Youth Theater Drama Camp this summer and really shined, she is so talented and loved every minute of learning and opportunity the camp offered her.  It was great to see the end result which was a very comical play called Doctor, Doctor, she was amazing!

We hosted several cookouts at our house this summer which are always fun, I love getting family or friends together and entertaining.

4th of July:

Over the 4th of July holiday we were lucky to have my cousin’s family travel here from Maryland, my cousin and I are really close and she is just so fun to be around I really enjoyed hanging out with her family for the week.  We did lots of fun things, had a 4th of July picnic to honor our Nanny, visited our local zoo, went to a baseball game and saw some amazing fireworks.


Cedar Point:

We then took a trip to Cedar Point together and had the best time, the kids and adults were sad to end the week and go our separate ways.

Shopping Trip:

Each summer my Mom and I take the girls on a little day shopping trip and this year we did something different and visited Indianapolis, we shopped at some local thrift stores which was a blast.  After a long day of shopping we stopped in at my cousin’s beautiful house and the girls got to swim in her pool and hang out for a little while before heading home.  Such a fun day!


The girls were given the opportunity to illustrate a children’s book about fishing for some dear friends of mine so we all enjoyed working on that throughout the summer together.  Each one of us drew and water colored the pages and then our family presented it to them and it was such a wonderful moment, we were happy to do this for such a wonderful family and the book is being published, I can’t wait to see it and share it with all of you.

Fishing with Grandpa

High School Registration:

Next came registering the girls for High School, this one was a bit hard for me, I just can’t believe they are this old already, it doesn’t seem possible!


I had the pleasure of helping my brother and my future sister-in-law plan their wedding, I made all of the centerpieces and my sister and I took over all the decorating and set up.  It turned out to be such a beautiful day and seeing them both so happy was the icing on the cake.  Such a fun way to end our summer.

New Products:

Of course the summer was also filled with lots of photo shoots and new products being created for Red Shed Designs, we are always busy working on that! We introduced our new Acacia wood jewelry dishes which are really beautiful and perfect for keeping all your Red Shed Design jewelry organized.

We were also very excited to be featured on a very popular Instagram/Influencers account Natalie at Vintage Porch shared our wood and concrete bar necklaces with her 200,000 followers, that generated a lot of new followers for us and a lot of sales which was such a blessing.  We continue to grow at a rapid pace and have so many exciting things coming up, be sure you subscribe so you can keep up to date on everything that is going on with us.  I will make sure I am more consistent on posting!  Thanks for reading about our summer highlights, what are some of your highlights from this summer?

Since you are exclusive subscribers I wanted to let you know that we will be having a sale starting this Sunday, September 30th and running through Sunday October 7th.  I am not going to announce the sale on social media until Sunday so this gives our subscribers a few days head start!  YAY!  So go on over to our Etsy shop and start shopping for yourself or before the holiday rush so you get your favorite items before they sell out!


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