Tag: Thankful

Grateful for You

Grateful for You

I know many of you are crazy busy this time of year with all of the holiday preparation, gatherings with family or friends, but I wanted to take a moment to thank you all for your support. It really does mean the world to Jason 

New Year Reflections

New Year Reflections

New Year Reflections – As I reflect on the new decade here at Red Shed Designs I have a lot of thoughts and goals twirling around in my head…….. but I think most importantly is the gratitude I feel for our customers, we gain new 

Thanksgiving – Black Friday Sale

Thanksgiving – Black Friday Sale

Happy Thanksgiving!! We have been reflecting on all the things we have to be Thankful for as we have our family gather tomorrow at our home and one big thing we are thankful for is YOU! We have grown so much over the past year 

New Products and Photo Shoots

New Products We recently added a bunch of new products to our Etsy shop and had a fun day long photo shoot. My sister who lives in California decided to make a quick trip home to Indiana and surprise everyone, my husband and I were 

Red Shed Designs Branding Video

Red Shed Designs Branding Video

Branding Video Have you ever had one of those moments in life where you open your eyes and you can see God’s hand in your life?  This blog post will show you that moment that I got goose bumps because I saw him working in 

Support Small Shops This Holiday Season

Support Small Shops This Holiday Season

Sorry it has been a few weeks since I last posted, we have been busy getting Red Shed Designs up and running and filling orders. Which is so exciting! YAY!!! Thank you to everyone who has shown their love and support to our small shop