6 Month Booth Update

6 Month Booth Update

6 Month Painted Tree Booth Update:  Several of you have asked how it is going and that you would like to hear an update, it has been six-months so I thought now would be a good time to update you.   Since this was a brand new adventure that we set out on I wanted to wait several months so I could give you an accurate picture of how things have been going.  Hopefully, my experience can help you decide to take the leap and either open your own booth or go on your own adventure whatever that looks like for you.

This has been a lot of blood, sweat and tears, we worked hard to make our space an aesthetically pleasing space but also a profitable successful venture.  I spent a good 3 months making jewelry, curating décor items, thrifting for unique items, tagging and entering items into the Painted Tree System.  We also set up a make-shift booth prototype in our front living room, taping off our carpet so we could see the exact size of our space and filling it so we could visually see what it would look like all laid out. I wanted to make sure I had enough items and the booth was well stocked, I also wanted to make sure I had plenty of inventory-in-waiting in case things sold quickly.  There is so much planning that goes into it! 

I did end up having plenty of products and the space looked great once we got everything loaded in.  What some of you might not know is when the Painted Tree is opening a new location they have to wait on their occupancy permits so they only give you 7 days to design, decorate and stock your booth before Grand Opening. 

I spent a lot of time up front getting things ready and prepped for my move-in, but we are so thankful we had those 3 months to prepare for everything it was so helpful to think through things. For the first month or so, I would stop by several times a week to check on things. Now, I may only stop in every two weeks or so, just to move things around and place new items.  I think it is really important to change up your space on a regular basis so it looks fresh, and I am always on the look out for new items to put in the booth. 

We have been doing really well and so far it has been a successful stream of income for us. The good news is that I’ve yet to have a month where I didn’t make a profit. I’ve had a couple of really good months and the rest have been good enough to cover rent and have some extra money for fun stuff. So overall this has been a very successful adventure and we have truly enjoyed it, heres to the next 6 months being just as successful.  If you have any other questions feel free to comment below or send me an email or DM on social media.  Thanks!

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