How are our twins 20 already?

How are our twins 20 already?

My babies are 20……like WTH?  Which means I have been a Mama for 20 years, that is crazy to me!  I took a moment to pat myself on the back because WOW I am super proud of them and we must have done a few things right to get two of the most amazing humans I have ever met as daughters.

As you probably know our twins are unique and special they were born on two different days March 14th and March 15th and since Marissa’s birthday falls on a day off for me I am heading down to their college to take them out for dinner and show them some love.   

You can read all about their birth story and my unique journey to motherhood and why we share such a deep and strong bond. 

It’s amazing how things turn out with kids, how twins can be so very different but equally amazing individuals, I never imagined 20 years ago that I would have such a deep connection and love for these two and I never imagined I would have weathered all the ups and downs of life and came out of it with such an awesome friendship and bond with my girls. 

Next year 21….ahhhh time is a thief but I am going to sit back and enjoy every last ounce I get to spend with them this year and as long as there is cake, everything will be just fine!

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